Workplace Organisation

Course Description
Workplace Organisation is a systematic technique that looks at all parts of a workplace and processes. It gives you the tools to get organised, and more importantly, stay organised.
The methodologies are designed to be applied in all areas and at all levels. It strongly empowers everyone to take ownership of their environment and shows them how to be proactive and effective.
The techniques of workplace organisation are utilised in world class companies and are proven to be successful.
Learn how to audit work areas using 5S auditsGain
Gain the confidence to suggest change and how to use data to support suggestionsLearn
Learn how to use a systematic 5 step process to sustain changes made to a working environmentLearn
Learn action planning and the methods of confirming actions are completed and sustained
Course Content
- What each of the 5 Steps within Workplace Organisation are
- How to conduct a 5S audit and identify areas for improvement
- How to sustain changes to a working environment
- How to remove and control unnecessary items in a business (Red Tagging)
- How reorganise and layout working environments to improve efficiency
Who can benefit from this course?
This workshop is suitable for anyone in your business who wants to impact on how their working environment and processes can be organised and stay organised.
The content is relevant to anyone who is involved in business processes and able to suggest changes to working environments and processes.

