This qualification is designed for practising middle managers and leaders at operations, division, departmental or specialist level, who are typically accountable to a senior manager or a business owner.
The primary role of a practising or aspiring manager and leader is to lead and manage individuals and teams to deliver the aims and objectives in line with the organisational strategy.
Upon completing the Certificate qualification you will be awarded Foundation Chartered Manager Status. Putting aspiring and early-career managers on a guided development pathway to becoming a fully-fledged Chartered Manager.
Develop the skills needed to lead and manage individuals and teams
Gives the ability to apply learning in the context of another organisation or industry sector
Helps you become more effective in specific management areas
Ensures teams can meet organisational objectives
Individuals ready to embark on managerial paths will find the
certificate lays a robust foundation for leadership, enabling them to
direct teams and integrate strategies seamlessly within an organisation..
For those entrenched in roles like Operations, Divisional,
Departmental, or Regional Managers, this certificate is an avenue to
refine competencies, sharpen decision-making, and bolster alignment
with overarching organisational imperatives.
Those honed in niche arenas—whether it's IT, finance, or other specialised sectors—will discover that the certificate
provides an expansive managerial lens, fostering cross-functional collaborations and championing a holistic vision of